We are Migrating!

I'm super excited to be announcing the launch of HUG Your Money! The site should be live in a couple of days so please bear with us while we make the necessary changes.

Click the button below to view a video explaining what you'll find in your New Client Dashboard, and be on the lookout for emails from HugYourMoney.com. Please take a moment now to add our new domain to your contacts so important correspondence isn't routed to your SPAM box.

We've been working long and hard to build a robust support site for you so not only can you access your Client Portal as always, but you'll have tons of extra support videos and options at your fingertips 24/7. Of course you'll still have direct access to me and the HUG team as always.

In keeping with our promise to do all we can to help you be successful we are providing these at no additional cost to you :).

So whether it's Debt, Budget, Retirement Planning, Crisis Management or anything else pertaining to managing your money wisely...we're here to help!

DON'T BE ALARMED! - Your financial information has been imported for you BUT your PowerDownDebt Login will look different, and you'll need to sign in fresh for the first time in the new system. We hope you'll find it worth your while :)

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